
UK Food & Welfare Support

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Families Served

UK Food Aid

Food and welfare support is needed now more than ever in the UK.  More and more families across the UK are suffering as a result of record rates of inflation as well as increasing fuel and energy prices.

In addition to this you have rising levels of homelessness and an increase in refugees due to the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine.

UK Food

Children and Families are Starving

Recent research by the Food Foundation think tank found that 2.6 million children report they now have smaller meals than usual, regularly skip meals altogether or do not eat when they are hungry.  In addition more than 2 million adults in the UK now regularly go without food for whole days because they simply cannot afford to eat, revealing the “catastrophic” impact of the cost of living crisis.

We have been working with local organisations like Tooting Community Kitchen (TCK) and the Southern Womens Aid Network (SWAN) to provide the homeless and local residents with hot meals.
We also support Hounslow Islamia Masjid to help feed the poor and fasting during the month of Ramadan.

Over 1400 meals were provided by the Masjid every day last year throughout Ramadan to support local people and help feed impoverished and destitute families and individuals.  Local residents, refugees and homeless, were are welcome, regardless of faith or ethnicity.

Unfortunately the outlook is not good, with the ongoing war in Ukraine coupled with rising inflation and energy prices means the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better, please donate what you can and help us to continue to work with our local partners to feed desperate individuals and families in the UK.

Donate For Support UK Community

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Gift Aid is a government initiative that allows registered charities to claim back the tax that UK taxpayers have already payed on their donations meaning we can claim back an extra 25% on top of any donation you make.

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Donation Total: £100.00

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Other Appeals

Ramadan Ration Program

This Ramadan, we ask you to open your hearts and fulfill your Zakat obligation with sincerity and enthusiasm.
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Increase the value of your donation by 25%

Gift Aid is a government initiative that allows registered charities to claim back the tax that UK taxpayers have already payed on their donations meaning we can claim back an extra 25% on top of any donation you make.

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: £100.00

Childrens Clothes

Your contribution helps us provide more garments to those who lack the means to stay warm or dress with dignity
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Increase the value of your donation by 25%

Gift Aid is a government initiative that allows registered charities to claim back the tax that UK taxpayers have already payed on their donations meaning we can claim back an extra 25% on top of any donation you make.

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: £100.00

Hospital Rations

Our Appeal seeks to address this critical gap by providing wholesome cooked meals to patients and their families
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Increase the value of your donation by 25%

Gift Aid is a government initiative that allows registered charities to claim back the tax that UK taxpayers have already payed on their donations meaning we can claim back an extra 25% on top of any donation you make.

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: £100.00